Hope is a Bird

Drama - 1m/1f/1 either
90 minutes

In progress...

Their love of birds has led both Katherine and Julius to career disaster. Katherine has been forced to resign as Head of Ornithology at Cornell University. Julius was expelled from the same school, and hounded out of town by animal rights activists.

Now, teacher and student are reunited in Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp. They are awaiting the arrival of a bird long believed to be extinct - the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. But Katherine and Julius are completely unprepared for their starring roles in what will be the greatest moment in the history of birding...

Hope is a Bird is a work in progress, and has been developed with the help of Toronto's Campbell House Museum; Wild Women Writing and the Columbus (Ohio) Museum of Art; The Arts and Ecology Incorporated (Jane Manwelyan, AD); and it was presented at the 2024 Charlottesville, Virginia's Waterworks Festival. Hope is a Bird was also a Finalists in the 2024 McNerney Playwrighting Contest, sponsored by South Carolina's College of Charleston and the Spoleto Festival. 

For more information, contact the playwright (See Contact page).