Blinded by the Light

Blinded by the Light

A new short, environmental piece (as in, it's actually about the environment) was produced in late 2015 as part of the Playwrights and Arts Festival at Know Theatre in Binghamton, New York. Blinded by the Light was presented at the Fire Station Theatre in a cross-medium event that pairs artworks with writing. It was next produced as part of the Save Endangered Species Festival in Los Angeles in March, as part of a fundraising effort for the Jane Goodall Foundation. 

Blinded by the Light is the story of two migrating Kirtland's Warblers, a species of songbird that has long been on endangered lists (though it is making a tentative comeback.) The migration route of the Kirtland's takes it through some dangerous areas and Blinded by the Light dramatizes the very human threat that our cities pose to these birds.

Blinded by the Light text

The SES/Jane Goodall Award Certificate: