The Good Father

Bing Crosby made a great priest but he's not the good Father in this play. 

The setting of The Good Father is a big North American city. Francis - a Catholic priest - has been attacked on the steps of his church by a band of drunks. A young man from his parish - a church-sponsored refugee from Uganda - helps him bathe his wounds. Albert has also suffered from violence - the homophobia in Uganda unleashed by recent anti-Gay legislation in that country. Father Francis is planning a demonstration against the American evangelists who incited the passage of this bill. He now has to do it with a bruised face, but he hopes to have Albert at his side.

Previously known as the 'Kill the Gays Bill', the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act was signed into law on February 24, 2014 by Uganda's president, Yoweri Museveni. It is widely believed that the private members bill that lead to the Act was the result of involvement by three American evangelical 'Christians'. Since the Act's passage, homophobic incidents in Uganda have risen dramatically. The law was largely upheld by Uganda's Supreme Court in 2024.

The Good Father is 12-15 minutes long. The cast is 2/m.

The Text